DeFi, Terra & Maximizing Yields with Apollo

It’s amazing what our team and community has been able to achieve in just the last 1–2 months, from an idea from one anonymous intern to a team of 15 builders. We’re going to be using Medium posts as a way to keep our community informed of our progress going forward, starting with this one.

ApolloDAO is more than just a regular yield aggregator on Terra. Rather we’re a community driven organization aiming to increase the yield farming experience of both crypto- and non-crypto native users alike. We will be the first yield management platform leveraging cross-chain and complex DeFi strategies, exploring NFT gamification and other innovative wrapped savings products and ultimately a DAO to govern a capital warchest.

ApolloDAO is built for DeFi users, by DeFi users and aligns itself with the broader mission of making DeFi more accessible.

Highlights of the last few weeks:

🏆 Joined the Delphi Digital Terra Hackathon and came in 2nd — Huge thanks to the community for supporting us through this process!

🤝 Built partnerships with many projects within the Terra ecosystem and out — We want to build out the future of finance with as many collaborators out there. Not for “mUcH pArTnErShIpS” but because this space is bigger than any one of us can fill and because we can grow bigger and faster for it 😎.

🤯 Accepted into the DeFi Alliance Cohort 4 — We are grateful for being listed among such high-quality projects like Rari Capital, Pendle, Hxro, Anchor and blue-chips of the industry like Sushi and Bancor. We’ll continue to update you on what we’re doing with the DeFi Alliance.

⛏ We have entered the Solana hackathon and are considering entering the Akash and Atom hackathons too — We want to collect all the hackathon badges and it’s a great learning and networking opportunity for the project. We also want to become ambassadors for the Terra ecosystem and spread the word to other protocols.

👨‍💻 We’ve onboarded more developers onto the team since the Delphi hackathon to help build out the project! Our dev team has also been heads down working hard to get v1 out as fast as possible.

Upcoming highlights and milestones:

🎙 We will be speaking at the DeFi Summit conference and the Terra Bites podcast — We want to engage with the community more and tell you guys what we’re all about!

📃 Release our Whitepaper — We’ll have the final version of our Whitepaper ready for the community soon.

💡 We will begin to create more efficient and meaningful ways to engage with the community and especially community proposals.

💸 Fundraising efforts — We have begun meaningful discussions with influential funds for our first private allocation that will not only help with financing but add value to our project and community. The private allocation will be small, and a large majority of our tokens will be released to the community via public allocation, liquidity mining and airdrops 👀.

🌞 Release Apollo v1 Yield Aggregator — This will be our biggest milestone yet and release of version 1 of our protocol, more info coming soon™.

We’ll continue to have regular updates on the progress of our project and deep dives into the technology and mechanisms behind Apollo and the APOLLO token. As much as we’ve achieved in just the last month we are excited to show you guys how much more will be achieved. We’re excited and grateful that you’re here, stay tuned for more!

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